Research Solutions

Acubiosys serves as the R&D service based organization and strategic partner for innovative pharma, biotech, biopharma companies as they progress  compounds from an early stage ideas all the way to the Investigational New Drug (IND) filing phase. We provide unparlled attention to our clients , specialized services. Our service span across invitro Biology, Drug metabolism, ADME screening, invivo pharmacokinetics, Toxicology, invivo animal efficacy and formulation development .

Turn Around Time(TAT) ADME
Tier 1 Screening assay results
0 Days
Turn Around Time(TAT) Invivo
Pharmacokinetic Results
0 Days
Time Savings in Data Preparation
& Report Generation
0 %

With undesirable ADME properties frequently prompting clinical failure and toxicity being the real explanation behind the attrition of endorsed drugs, it is essential to comprehend the metabolism and safety profiles of your compounds from the get-go in the disclosure procedure. In vitro facilities at Acubiosys give ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion)

Novel Drug Delivery System (NDDS) alludes to the approaches, formulations, innovations, and frameworks for transporting a pharmaceutical compound in the body as expected to accomplish its ideal therapeutic impacts securely. NDDS is a system for transportation of a drug other than the traditional medication conveyance framework. It is a mix of cutting-edge, and new dose forms which are far superior to conventional dosage forms.

Over the previous decade, tranquilize transporter interactions have increased imperative significance in medication discovery and advancement. Not exclusively can drug transporter communications influence all parts of ADMET, however, they can likewise be a reason for clinically pertinent medication tranquilizer collaborations.
Knowledge about potential associations from the get-go in medication disclosure can settle on the correct choices.

In medication discovery, the term chemical instability can allude to an assortment of mechanisms. These incorporate solid-state stability, solution-state stability including pH-reliance, oxidative steadiness, and photostability. For a compound to wind up an effective drug, chemical stability is obligatory. A compound that is characteristically unstable will be extremely hard to evaluate in any In vitro and In vivo assays. 

Acubiosys offers formulation development services to help clients determine optimal dosage levels for new chemical entities (NCE), Generics, Herbal and Ayush therapeutic formulations.

Invivo pharmacokinetic (PK) studies are a critical part of the medication advancement process. Knowing how the body retains, distributes, processes and kills drugs helps manage the dosing regimen to amplify adequacy and evade unwanted impacts. Acubiosys has established conventions to deal with a wide cluster of PK study designs. We have a goal of accomplishing a fast turnaround with quality outcomes for a sensible expense.

We give a fast fit-to reason bioanalytical benefit for in vitro and in vivo discovery studies. We attempt quantitative LC-MS/MS investigation of medications, metabolites, and biomarkers in a scope of matrices, including plasma, blood, dried blood spots (DBS), urine, bile, tissue homogenate and in vitro tests. We can give bioanalytical information and logical direction to help discovery studies including PK, PKPD

In the drug discovery process, understanding potential compound associations with transporters in the beginning period of improvement is basic for choosing candidates with alluring drug metabolism and security profiles. Acubiosys gives broad carrier and permeability testing services, state-of-the-art equipment, and logical expertise in DMPK to help your particular needs. We plan and actualize Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) 

At Acubiosys, our experienced team can make a difference to the clients by designing time and cost-effective strategies for early toxicology assessment of a compound or compound series. These strategies mitigate risks earlier and before a compound enters pre-clinical development. Importantly the information obtained can be rapidly used to engineer out toxicological liabilities and accelerate the route to the clinic.